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The Koolie Club of Australia Inc. was formed in April 2000, by a small group of Koolie enthusiasts who wished to bring people together who had a common interest, to share knowledge and understanding of a wonderful breed of working dog.  They all knew that Koolies are naturally very talented dogs that do well at any work they are put to from working sheep, goats and cattle on farms and stations, on transports and in sale yards, gently working dairy cows, fronting up to scrub cattle or droving the long paddock.

When they got together they realized what they saw as special traits in their own “great dog” were in fact normal Koolie traits.

The Koolie Club of Australia Inc. has gone on to promote these talents, to educate potential purchasers of the talents and needs of their Koolies and also to welcome into their membership all who think in a like way and want to share good fellowship while promoting these ideals.

Working sheep


Not only are Koolies great at traditional work, they also excel in dog sports such as agility, tracking, trieball and obedience and they are also successfully used in such things as rescue, pets for therapy, quarantine work, explosive detection dogs as well as making great companion dogs in suitable circumstances.

If you are interested in the future of the Koolie, like to socialize, with your dog, you are welcome to visit our meetings or become a member.

Available Koolies

    The Koolie Club of Australia Inc. currently has over 500 members across Australia and welcomes members from the USA,  New Zealand, Canada, The Netherlands, Poland, Switzerland and Germany to its ranks as well.  Our members range from several breeders with over 40 years experience breeding working Koolies, many with 15 or 20 years, through to people who have just found Koolies. Our past Patron Mr. Frank Kelm, who passed away in 2010 had over 50 years experience working and breeding Koolies, his reputation and dogs are known all over Australia.

    All are welcome – our intention is to enjoy good company, learn from each other and keep an open mind to the ideas of others.

    We do not tell people how to breed their dogs, we give our members credit for knowing what they want to achieve to suit their own situation, but we are here to offer suggestions or assistance if inexperienced or experienced breeders feel they need some advice or ideas.  For this reason we have not laid down a ‘breed standard’ at this time as we accept that the different styles of Koolies suit the many and varied jobs they undertake. We also feel that we need to give the breed time to evolve a little before trying to mould the physical attributes to a ‘standard’.  It is however necessary for breeders to aim to improve their lines from each breeding. The commitment and expense of breeding deserves to bring a positive outcome. To assist breeders and purchasers to achieve their goals we have adopted a guide call the “The Koolie Fundamentals” which describes clearly the points of a structurally sound working Koolie.

    Although Koolies have been around since the 1800’s this is the first register and after 20 years and 1900+ registrations it is still taking shape. Time will see breeding within the gene pool evolve a style and size of Koolie most suited to today and maybe then  we can consider a ‘standard’. 

    One thing we have come to realize is that Koolies all have a wonderful personality, temperament and will to work and it is our main aim to retain these attributes in our breed. 

    We understand and accept that not all Koolies are suited to all situations, but we do our best to place appropriate dogs in appropriate homes, not all our members need a red hot working dog, but are happy living with the wonderful personality and temperament.  This is not to say they couldn’t decide to dabble in some herding or other discipline and find they have a dog that does quite well for them.  

    We will not be subjecting owners and their dogs to ‘instinct testing’ to see if they make the grade.  We believe the majority of Koolies have a natural instinct and will not penalize a dog because its owner has not got the skill to bring that ability to the fore or because the dog is not in a situation best suited to it being able to work.   

    We prefer to assist owners to learn the best methods to nurture that  instinct and to see dog and owner evolve.

    Because we accept that some Koolies end up in the wrong place for them, this club supports Australian Koolie Rescue who have an excellent success rate re-homing Koolies who have ended up in the wrong place.